Put your hand in mine (and don’t look back)

Tim Breukers, Jean-Marie Bytebier, Stijn Cole, Damien de Lepeleire, Lucas Devriendt, Hamid el Kanbouhi, Maryam Najd, Narcisse Tordoir, Philippe Vandenberg, Joan van Barneveld

Curator: Hilde Borgermans

Part 1- Art Brussels booth A-35, opening Thursday 25 April 5-10 p.m.

Part 2- (re)D.gallery Antwerp, opening Thursday 16 May 5-10 p.m.

Limited edition catalogue available


Into the void


An exhibition of recent work at Alex51gallery, Maastricht NL, july 6th-august 22nd 2018

Dead Girl

Improv session recorded at the Jeff, Maastricht, NL, July 2018
Dead Girl are Amber Lalieu and Joan van Barneveld

(slow heavy metal music playing)

My major fascination and the main motivation for my musical practice are those moments of transcendence where my recordings function as a clear mirror, whenever I have managed to bypass myself as a creator, as a thinking and steering persona, in the course of the creative process. My recent paintings are a parallel pictorial, non-illustrative, reflection on this dynamic process, while also being products of this process. This plastic dimension of my artistic practice opens up the possibility for me to reflect on my work and its content. To my mind, the core of my practice truly opens out and is communicated only when crystallized in my paintings. I now seek to devote myself to producing work, in this incident to put together an exhibition that substantiates, preserves and allows for the intangible, open-ended, unresolved quality of my work, its soft-focusedness that is so dear to me, in all its heaviness – however paradoxical this may seem, given its essence.
(from press release, January 2018)

21 January – 24 February 2018
Mechelsesteenweg 4, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium

ghost tropic

Gerhard Hofland is proud to present Ghost Tropic, featuring all new works by Dutch artist Joan van Barneveld. This exhibition marks the first collaboration between Van Barneveld and the gallery.

Through monochromatic paintings Joan van Barneveld expresses a desire to operate outside of everyday conventions, to withdraw and escape from the structures that merely limit or undermine our individual sense of freedom. It is a desire that originates from the world of punk and rock ’n roll, but instead of staging a blunt revolt against the system, Van Barneveld has committed to the paradoxical task of depicting things that have disappeared.

The paintings of Van Barneveld show empty spaces, evacuated scenes or even mere shadows whose origin is obscured. By printing rather than painting, the artist has managed to create paintings that are devoid of any trace of a possible author. They are the result of a process of artistic negation through which Van Barneveld shifts our focus precisely from what is present to what is absent, emphasising that what you can see exists by virtue of what you cannot and vice versa.

By working from this fundamental sense of absence, van Barneveld proves that even things that are incomprehensible and for which there is no place within the limits of everyday conventions nevertheless do exist. Even the emptiness of the absent has a substance and while the artist’s paintings continuously point to what is not there, they function as a way to consider what is truly valuable – that what becomes painstakingly present in its absence.

Joan van Barneveld (1978, Veghel, NL) lives and works in Maastricht, the Netherlands. She graduated from the Academie Beeldende Kunsten Maastricht in 2001, and finished a post-graduate residency at the Jan van Eyck Academie in 2016. Works by Van Barneveld are part of many renowned public collections, such as the DSM Art Collection, De Nederlandsche Bank, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Museum het Domein, Sittard and SCHUNCK, Heerlen, among various private collections in Europe and the U.S. Joan van Barneveld has exhibited, among many other places, at the Bonnefantenmuseum, Het Domein, and at various galleries in Europa, New York and Los Angeles. In 2014, the monograph INTO LONGING, VAST ROCK was awarded a Best Dutch Book design award. 

Joan van Barneveld – Ghost Tropic
Gerhard Hofland gallery, Bilderdijkstraat 165C, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
10 June – 22 July 2017
Opening: Saturday 10 June from 17:00 hours


how to disappear completely

The work of fourteen visual artists taking part in How to disappear completely express the universal longing to transcend tangible reality. Their works of art reflect their fascination for making the invisible visible or to hide what is visible.
This group exhibition by curator Yasmijn Jarram presents the work of Karin Arink, Joan van Barneveld, Sema Bekirovic, Nik Christensen, Constant Dullaart , Roos van Haaften, Kim Habers, Awoiska van der Molen, Cindy Moorman, Lydia Ourahmane, Sebastiaan Schlicher, Sarah van Sonsbeeck, Fiona Tan and Teo Treloar.
february 8 – april 16 2017 at Garage, Goudsewagenstraat 27, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

day for night

LMAKgallery is pleased to announce Joan van Barneveld’s Day for night. On view will be a selection of paintings from his recent museum solo-exhibition MIRROR/STAGE at the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht, the Netherlands, in combination with recently finished works. Returning to painting Van Barneveld focuses on a distillation of colors, under layers of white wash -stepping away from his typical ‘black on black’ works.

Van Barneveld’s new works are composed of layers of silkscreen, painted areas and washes culminating into ghost like imagery and unfocused states of the omitted. The inanimate objects and the elements of time such as shadows create mysterious, calm compositions and which find poetry within the solemn.

In the work there are slight references of urban landscapes, but rather than holding on to the visual narrative the viewer is beckoned into layers of color that lead to a barren space. These bleached color fields, give an interesting new perspective on what we usually see uncovered in Van Barneveld’s ‘black’ works as they both exult the beauty of the stillness.

Van Barneveld’s third exhibition with the gallery shows his visual development and his persistent and admirable dedication to finding the content in the bereft; an oxymoron that has taken him years to review and the viewer reaps the reward as they are confronted with an overwhelming wall of visual information of nothing – and its silence is deafening.

january 6th – february 12th 2017, LMAKgallery,298 Grand Street, New York, US

illusion and revelation

From the collection of the Bonnefantenmuseum, Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, the Netherlands, December 24th 2016 – November 27th 2017

Francis Alÿs, Monika Baer, Joan van Barneveld, Centrum voor Cubische Constructies, René Daniëls, Jan Dibbets, Peter Doig, Marlene Dumas, Bob Eikelboom, Hadassah Emmerich, Luciano Fabro, Lara Gasparotto, Nancy Haynes, David Heitz, Rodrigo Hernández, Thomas Hirschhorn, Pierre Huyghe, Duan Jianyu, Suchan Kinoshita, Sol LeWitt, Laura Lima, Mark Manders, Katja Mater, Tanja Ritterbex, Roman Signer, Lily van der Stokker, Joëlle Tuerlinckx, Emo Verkerk, William P.A.R.S. Graatsma, Kim Zwarts


between the bars


Joan van Barneveld, Manor Grunewald, Nicholas Lachance
6 november – 3 december 2016
Mechelsesteenweg 4, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium




The fifth album by T.S.O.S. To be downloaded from cdbaby, itunes, amazon etc.  To be streamed from Spotify etc.  To order a vinyl copy of the album [edition of 300], drop us a line on www.masturbationclassics.com