

LMAKprojects is pleased to present Stages by Joan van Barneveld in his first solo exhibition with the gallery. This new series of paintings continues van Barneveld’s search into the ambiguous realm between Romanticism and Abstraction of either empty stages or landscapes. Opening may 14th 6-9 p.m. Until june 19th.
LMAKprojects, 139 Eldridge Street, New York.

lucht is tastbaarder dan mijn gedachten


A group show in Chateau d’Aspremont-Lynden, Oud Rekem, Belgium featuring Steven Baelen, Ruben Bellinkx, Jacqueline Machado de Souza, Mark Dion, Joan van Barneveld, Peter de Meyer, Hadassah Emmerich, Femmy Otten, Eduardo Padilha, Karen Vermeren, Karin Arink, Elise Berkvens, Pii, Mathieu Knippenberg, Sofie Muller, Greet van Autgaerden, Fluxus Collection/Jan van der Donk . Curated by Annemie van Laethem. July 17th – September 26th 2010.

the invisible colour

invisible colour

A presentation with works from the Bonnefantenmuseum collection featuring works by Pawel Althamer, Francis Alÿs, Joan van Barneveld, Michael Krebber, Joëlle Tuerlinckx and Luc Tuymans. Curated by Kristina Dittelova. On show from the 20th of june until the 3rd of august at the Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht.

painting, five perspectives


A show at Tegenboschvanvreden Amsterdam featuring works by Marie Aly, Joan van Barneveld, Marc Oosting, Amir Tirandaz and Marjolijn de Wit: five artists who represent a range of outlooks which provide a broad view on the concept of painting. June 5th – July 10th 2010.

re: happy days

The Rose Frustrates and Onomatopee challenged musicians and artists to start cutting and pasting. The result is a tribute to lo-fi culture. The edition comprises three artworks and two 7″ records. with The Rose Frustrates, Bram Stadhouders, Modder, Marijn van Kreij, Joan van Barneveld and Erik Vermeulen.